Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 17 March 2011


ha....amek kau....ganas tak entry i hari ni? tu la...bangun pagi-pagi tadi pegi keje pakai baju kurung ok...siap dgn tudung bawal sebab rase-rase malam tadi mood i mcm nk jd perempuan melayu terakhir la kt ofis arini.....pagi-pagi da sampai ofis...reply email smua...then breakfast....masa tu mmg feeling ayu-ayu la sbb mmg mood ayu kan......

punya la panjang entry kau......ok ok...now i nk start kenapa tibe-tibe bertukar kepada mood perang  badar dingin...sbb i mmg tak sebulu kaki dengan sorang mamat kt ofis ni...i got email from the financial controller saying that i've to work together with him sebab one project MIS matter....so i ok je...lepas tu dia pulak email dekat i saying that he wanted me to gather all the informations coz he want to collect from me in 30 minutes time (email dia pukul 10.02am okeh pastu ayat mcm dia bos aku okeh)...i pun ok je (walaupun dlm hati mmg geram tahap suria perkasa hitam la kn..)...my superior said that i've to give the copy of the document only which is so true la...sbb i mmg xkan bg original things to him sbb da faham sgt style dia bekerja....fine...so i tunggu tak smpai2 at last dekat 11.30 baru sampai kot.....(u all nampak tak intro working habit dia???) relax kn?? i pulak nak kena tunggu fine....da sampai tempat i..dia boley bersembang-sembang (pasal work la) dengan org lain kt tempat i.....sedangkan tujuan utama dia sepatutnye work together with me kn?? (nmpk tak working habit dia bhgian isi??) i pun keluarkan file...n letak atas cabinet (dia bersandar kt cabinet tu)....i x smpt nk bgtau yang dia kena amek copy je...sbb dia sibuk berdiskusi dengan org lain kan...so i got phone call.....i pun answer the phone...bila i letak je phone tengok dia da takde...together with my file pun takde ok......i trus pegi front office and the receptionist said that dia da keluar....haaaaaaaaaaa...kan aku da angin...main bawak keluar je file tu.....woii...tu fail aku la...ko tak reti nk mtk izin bawak kuar ke?? siap bawak masuk kete n dia sbnrnye nk kuar dari kawasan kilang ni....haaaa...i pun call his number mintak balik that file....he said he can't wait for me to photocopy the things...semua dia nk guna dia ckp...weh...kau tu bkn department aku ok.....dia pun stop kereta dia dpn i....then bukak tingkap...with this kind of words " ha...nk sangat file ni amek la....buat sendiri.." owh...dia suruh i buat keje dia...ok fine...mmg skrg status perang dinginggggggggggggg....

i trus amek file...naik bilik financial controller which is one of the boss here...and tell him everything happen....

motif font kaler hijau kat atas.....sbb i da bertukar jadi 
pics kredit to google

p/s: takot x?? kepada yg berkenaan, i memang kuat mengadu.....so what??? 

1 comment:

  1. hehe.. jangan garang2 cik wani.. nanti dah tak comel
